Hamana Works Company LimitedHamana Works Company Limited

Accounting that supports manufacturing with cozy company colleagues Accounting that supports manufacturing with cozy company colleagues

R.S.Accounting Department,
joined in 2018

Accounting that supports manufacturing with cozy company colleagues


Tell us about your work.

As an accountant, I am responsible for preparing payments, validating financial transactions, managing mailings, and organizing meals.

What made you decide to join Hamana Works?

Every time I came for a company information session or for an interview, all the employees I passed greeted me warmly.
Realizing that Hamana Works is really a friendly company with a homey feel is what made me decide to join the company.

Tell us about your work. What made you decide to join Hamana Works?

What is important to you in your work?

The accounting department deals with the company's money, so I try to be very careful when doing things like inputting data and withdrawing money, checking multiple times to make sure there are no mistakes and having someone else double-check the work.

What is your impression of your senior colleagues at work?

The senior members of the accounting team are all very kind and take the time to explain the things I don’t know until I fully understand them.
As people are always open and willing to share their honest opinions, the atmosphere in the department is very nice.

What has made you especially happy in your work so far?

One of our employees is an active member of a local volleyball team. I was entrusted with the task of creating a banner for her.
I designed everything from the layout to the color scheme, so I felt a great sense of accomplishment and happiness when everyone praised me after I presented the final version of the banner.

How do you spend your holidays?

I love video games, so I spend a lot of time on my days off playing them.
Lately, I've been addicted to this one game where you can enjoy living on a deserted island. (laughs)
I can play with other people on the network, so sometimes I play with my colleagues, and we have a good time together.
I also often go out to eat with co-workers.
I think Hamana Works offers a workplace where there is a lot of interpersonal interaction between people in general, not just in the Accounting Department.

What do you think is the most appealing and rewarding aspect of your work?

Accounting work often involves talking to a variety of people including people on the factory floor or in the Design Department.
That's why I think it's important to build and maintain strong relationships of trust on an everyday basis.
I believe that fostering teamwork with my colleagues through communication is an important and rewarding aspect of this job.

What do you think is the most appealing and rewarding aspect of your work?
Your message Your message

Your message

When deciding where I wanted to work, I thought that the atmosphere of the company was very important, so I actually went to the company to experience it firsthand.
For those of you who are going to be job hunting, if you are interested in a company, I'd recommend visiting the company in person to get a better idea of how it actually is. You can't get that from an Internet search alone.
Please come and experience the atmosphere here at Hamana Works!

Staff Voice